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Hereafter Volume 1 & 2 (22 CDs)

Hereafter Volume 1 & 2 (22 CDs)

Hereafter Volume 1 & 2 (22 CDs)
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Speaker: Anwar Al-Awlaki
Publisher: Al-Basheer Publications

22 CD set

In this series, the Imam vividly portrays the different phases the human soul passes through during its lifetime up to its death as well as the process of judgment of souls and the resulting eternal life in Heaven or Hell in the Hereafter. In breathtaking style the listener hears of the events that occur just before death and the events that come after it. The Imam gives a clear description about life in the grave, the horrors of the last day, the major and minor signs leading to the last hour and the day of resurrection. The Imam crowns this eloquently narrated lecture with the process of accountability and recompense. On the Day of Judgment those who pass the test will be rewarded with Paradise and those who fail will be rewarded with Hellfire.

Hereafter Vol1

Detailed Desc is not available***********

Hereafter Vol2

The Resurrection
Assembly Land
The Horrors
The Dismantling of the Universe

The non-believers on the Day of Judgment
The voiding of the deeds
The disputes of the Day of Judgment
The conversation between Allah and Jesus on the Day of Judgment
The disputes between the leaders and their followers

The punishment for the sins of the believers
The righteous on the Day of Judgment
The seven who will be provided with shade on the Day of Judgment

The righteous on the Day of Judgment (Continued):
Intercession (Shafa'ah)
The seven who will be provided with shade on the Day of Judgment
How can one ease the pain of the Day of Judgment on one’s self?
How can one hide their sins from being made public on the Day of Judgment
The just on the Day of Judgment
The seven badges of honor given to the Shaheed
The ones who suppress their anger
The callers of Athan
The grey hair on the Day of Judgment
Wudhu on the Day of Judgment

Names of the Hereafter
Rules of the Hereafter
Individual accountability
The presentation of deeds
The multiplication of deeds
The witnesses on the Day of Judgment
Questioning and Interrogation

Book of deeds
Settlement of the accounts
The scale (al Mizan)
The pool (al Hawdh)

Hellfire and its life (may Allah save us from it!)
The importance of the topic
The size of Hell
The heat of Hell
Hellfire sees, hears, and breaths
Hellfire is eternal
The food of the people of Hellfire
The clothing of the people of Hellfire
The various forms of punishment in Hellfire

Some Actions that lead to Hellfire
The First to enter Paradise
The Gates of Paradise
The ones who enter Paradise before the Day of Judgment

The Ratio of People in Hellfire compared to Paradise
The First Meal in Paradise
A Tour of Paradise
The Levels of Paradise

A Tour of Paradise (Continued)
The mansions of Paradise
The women of Paradise
The furniture in the mansions of Paradise
The servants of Paradise
The soil of Paradise
The rivers springs and fountains
The trees
The food
Issues pertaining to the Muslim sisters

Socialization in Paradise
The death of death
The greatest of the pleasures of Paradise
The people of Hellfire who will end up in Paradise

The people of Paradise
Are there more women than men in Paradise?
Children of the believers
Children of the nonbelievers
Paradise is not a payback for our deeds
The shape and age of the people of Paradise
A comparison between Paradise and this world
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